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3 Natural Remedies and Why Medicine Wants to Explore Them 

Please Explore Natural Remedies
Posted by Rick Bailly Monday, January 14, 2019 11:01:00 AM Categories: health, remedies,

The opioid epidemic is a nationwide crisis and is quickly becoming a global problem. Over 12 million people abuse painkillers in the United States, sometimes leading to illegal use of heroin and other narcotics. Those who are ready to stop will likely face uncomfortable and dangerous withdrawal symptoms. Most abusers will continue using opiates to avoid the painful withdrawal symptoms. Going through withdrawal is challenging, but there are natural remedies that can help you to get started on living a healthier life.


Researchers suggest that there are medicinal properties in cannabis. Studies have shown that when marijuana is used in combination with opioids, it can boost the effectiveness of the painkillers without having to use higher dosages. The pharmacological effects of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, help individuals feel relief from withdrawal symptoms and reduce the risk of relapse.

Related: LabRoots | Marijuana Helps Opioid Addicts Stay in Treatment


CBD oil is extracted from the marijuana plant but doesn't contain the same compounds that get you high. Scientists believe that CBD oil reduces cravings for Oxycontin and other narcotics. CBD can alter the neural pathways in the brains of drug addicts to minimize withdrawal symptoms and cravings for opioids. The Scripps Research Institute in San Diego performed a study giving cocaine and alcohol to rats. When administering CBD oil to the rats, they were less likely to relapse and showed no drug-seeking behavior even months after the CBD left their system.

Related: CBD Origin | Study Finds Using CBD for Addiction Helps Prevent Relapses

Kratom Powder

Kratom is an herbal extract from the leaves of an evergreen tree from southeast Asia. It's sold in the United States as a dietary supplement and is promoted as a treatment for withdrawal. People use kratom powder to treat opioid withdrawal and reduce fatigue. Many individuals feel more energized and notice a reduction in their depression and anxiety symptoms. When going through opioid withdrawal, it's important to stay as comfortable as possible. Most people will experience flu-like symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, excessive sweating, fever, and insomnia. Staying hydrated whenever possible is vital in reducing opiate withdrawal symptoms.

Related: Kats Botanicals | Education You Can Use To Reduce Kratom Ignorance

When you feel intense cravings set in, try distraction techniques to get you through the moment. These techniques could be listening to music, watching television, and spending time outdoors. Doing something distracting for as little as 10 minutes will help to take your mind off of cravings.

Using these three remedies can make a big impact. Recovery experts and therapists can recommend additional ways to help you overcome desires in the long-term.

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