Wake Up, It's Spring!

Posted by Admin Friday, March 21, 2014 9:08:00 AM

by Sherry Walker

On a cold winter day one could hear the birds chirping.
A sensation arose, knowing Spring would soon be bursting.

What a wonderful surprise in the next day or two.
The snow was gone and the cold days were few.

Spring appears each year as a gift around the earth in many places.
Open your eyes to the wonders of the world as it transitions through many phases.

Like small miracles, right before your eyes life is blooming.
Nature is taking its course and now it's time for Spring season grooming.

The ground is flourishing with wildflowers, lilacs and pansies.
The tulips in red and yellow are blowing in the wind as if they're dancing.

Look how beautiful and green the grass is growing.
The rain pours down and through the earth it's flowing.

Wake up, it's Spring!
Live life and enjoy.
The gifts of the earth are unfolding.

People are moving about expressing kindness and a pleasant smile.
They know the days ahead will be filled with the earth budding for a while.

Watch your step as you're walking, the worms squirm to the surface.
The animals and nature are making their way as you will notice.

Appreciate the outdoor life and let the cool breeze embrace you.
It's time to do the things that sat idle, they're now a pleasure to pursue.

Out come the bikes with people pedaling up and down the roads.
The cars and trucks are carrying beautiful Spring bushels by the loads.

The wonders of the parks are open for young and old to explore.
Take a deep breath, the trees are budding, stay awhile, there is so much more.

People love to feel the Spring air blowing against their face.
Take notice, look around, there's life blooming all over the place.

Spring appears each year as a gift right before your eyes.
It's shared by all and welcomed as a wonderful surprise.

Wake up, it's Spring!

 originally posted at http://voices.yahoo.com/wake-its-spring-open-eyes-wonders-of-8260573.html

the Moon Pool coven

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